Towards a Universal Toolkit Model for Structures


Abstract. Model-based toolkit widgets have the potential for (i) increasing automation and (ii) making it easy to substitute a user-interface with another one. Current toolkits, however, have focused only on the automation benefit as they do not allow different kinds of widgets to share a common model. Inspired by programming languages, operating systems and database systems that support a single data structure, we present here an interface that can serve as a model for not only the homogeneous model-based structured-widgets identified so far -tables and trees -but also several heterogeneous structured-widgets such as forms, tabbed panes, and multi-level browsers. We identify an architecture that allows this model to be added to an existing toolkit by automatically creating adapters between it and existing widget-specific models. We present several full examples to illustrate how such a model can increase both the automation and substitutability of the toolkit. We show that our approach retains model purity and, in comparison to current toolkits, does not increase the effort to create existing model-aware widgets

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