
Corrigendum Corrigendum to "MHV-68 producing mIFN␣1 is severely attenuated in vivo and effectively protects mice against challenge with wt MHV-68" [Vaccine 29 (2011) In this study, we focused on the effects of interferon-␣ (IFN-␣) on both the lytic and latent phase of MHV-68 infection, as exerted by the constitutive release of IFN-␣1 by a clone of MHV-68 genetically modified to produce this cytokine (MHV-68mIFN␣1). Although the MHV-68mIFN␣1 recombinant virus exhibited in vitro replication features indistinguishable from those of the wild type MHV-68, its pathological properties were severely attenuated in vivo in immunocompetent mice and not in mice rendered genetically unresponsive to type I IFN, suggesting that a stronger immune response was primed in the presence of the cytokine. Notably, MHV-68mIFN␣1 attenuation did not result in a reduced level of longterm spleen latency establishment. These results prompted us to evaluate the efficacy of MHV-68mIFN␣1 in a prophylactic vaccination regimen aimed at inhibiting the symptoms of acute virus infection and the establishment of long-term latency after MHV-68 challenge. Our results show that mice vaccinated with MHV-68mIFN␣1, administered as a live-attenuated or partially inactivated (by Psoralen and UV treatment) vaccine, were protected against the challenge with wt MHV-68 from all phases of infection. The ability of MHV-68mIFN␣1 to produce IFN-␣ at the site of the infection, thus efficiently stimulating the immune system in case of virus reactivation from latency, makes this recombinant virus a safer live-attenuated vaccine as compared to the previously reported latency-deficient clones

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