A Molecular-Dynamics Study


Abstract. -The flow behaviour of melts of short chains, confined in molecularly thin Couette flow geometries, is studied with molecular-dynamics simulations. The effect of wall attraction and confinement on the density and velocity profiles is analysed. In these highly inhomogeneous films, a strong correlation between the density and velocity profile is found. Sticking of the interfacial layer on the wall and slip on the wall and inside the film is manifested by changes in the velocity profile. The location of the slip is determined by the strength of the wall attraction. Even though the macroscopic phenomena of friction, lubrication and adhesion have been studied for a long time now, their molecular mechanisms have yet to be unveiled. Recent novel experimental techniques such as the surface forces apparatus together with the scanning probe microscopies are capable to give a vast amount of information on the nanometer level; these combined with computer simulations will provide further insight into the nanoscopic dynamics of friction, lubrication and adhesion. The structural and dynamical properties of ultrathin confined films between atomically flat surfaces undergoing shear are studied here with molecular-dynamics simulations. Simulations are performed on a fluid of short chains in a planar Couette flow geometry realized by confining the polymer system in the x-direction between two parallel planar f.c.c. (111) planes. Periodic boundary conditions are imposed in the other two directions. The Couette flow is introduced by moving the two walls with equal and constant velocities towards opposite directions keeping the wall-to-wall distance constant. In this way, a steady shear rate is introduced with the direction of flow parallel to the x-axis and the velocity gradient parallel to the x-axis, i.e. normal to the walls El]. The chains consist of six segments which are connected in a linear freely joined topology. Of course, the model is not expected to capture the real monomer response and segments correspond to several chemical monomers [2]. The segments of the same chain as well as segments belonging to different chains interact via a pairwise purely repulsive, shifted an

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