Research on Acquisition and Communication Technology of Marine Equipment Fault Diagnosis Information for Vessels in Inland Rivers


Abstract: This study describes a system for the analysis of the fault diagnosis of marine equipments in inland rivers. Since the normal operation of the marine equipments significantly influences the ship safety, this study develops an efficient fault diagnosis information system for the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of marine equipments. In this new system, field bus and ship-to-shore communication technologies have been integrated for the fault diagnosis information acquisition. Then the application of network bus, including CAN and RS485, has been employed to connect the fault diagnosis information with Ethernet in the ship. Lastly, for the real time and wireless transmission of the fault information, the Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology has been adopted to provide accurate and reliable fault diagnosis information transmission from ships to onshore diagnosis center. A comprehensive study of the application of proposed fault diagnosis information system has been implemented for remote diagnosis of marine equipments. The analysis results demonstrate that the newly developed fault diagnosis information system can enhance the fault diagnosis precision and hence is competent for the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of marine equipments in inland rivers

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