Clinical Experience with Insulin Detemir: Results from the Bangladesh Cohort of Global A 1 chieve Study


Abstract Objective: To present results from the Bangladesh cohort of the A 1 chieve study receiving insulin detemir (Levemir) ± oral anti diabetic drugs. Methods: Out of 1093 patients recruited from 49 sites in Bangladesh, 370 were initiated on insulin detemir (Levemir).Study visits were defined as baseline, interim (around 12 weeks from baseline) and final (around 24 weeks from baseline) visit. Results: Glycaemic control was poor in all the groups at baseline. In the entire cohort at 24 weeks, significant reductions from baseline were observed in mean HbA 1c (from 10.0 % to 7.2%, p<0.001), FPG (from 10.5 to 6.7 mmol/L, p<0.001) and PPPG (from 15.3 to 8.9 mmol/L, p<0.001) levels. Overall 45.5% of th

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