Factors inducing resurgence in the diamondback moth after application of methomyl


Abstract Applications of sublethal concentrations of methomyl to 4th instar larvae and pupae of the diamondback moth resulted in increased fecundity of the adults which emerged. The adult females derived from the treated pupae laid more eggs with a higher rate of fertilization as compared with the untreated check. However, the adult females thus treated had a shorter life span than the untreated ones. These effects of methomyl enhanced the intrinsic rate of natural increase ( r ) or the finite rate of increase per month Applications of methomyl decreased lycosid spiders which were important predators of 3rd to 4th instar larvae of the diamondback moth in the cabbage fields. It is suggested !hat the application of methomyl might cause a resurgence of the moth population through the stimulation of the reproductive potential and differential mortality between predators and prey

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