On the nature of the dependency between a numeral and a classifier. Linguistic Research 28.3


Choi, Kiyong. 2011. On the Nature of the Dependency between a Numeral and a Classifier. Linguistic Research 28(3), 517-542. In this article, I claim that a numeral and a classifier each instantiates distinct heads and that the former has a classifier phrase as its complement in numeral classifier constructions in Korean. I also claim that in Korean, a head-final language, the surface word order between a numeral and a classifier, which is Num-Cl, is obtained via head movement of Cl to Num. When Cl is a genuine classifier, the movement is obligatory due to its clitic-like property, while when Cl is an ordinary noun with [+numerable], it is optional. (Kwangwoon University) 1

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