Inter-and Intrarater Reliability of Modified Lateral Scapular Slide Test in Healthy Athletic Men


Objective. The reliability of lateral scapular slide test (LSST) at 90 degrees of abduction is controversial; therefore, in order to achieve more reliability it may be necessary to make changes in this particular position. Methods. Modified lateral scapular slide test (MLSST) was done on thirty male basketball players with two examiners in one session and for the retest with one examiner in the next week. The test was done in 7 positions: arm relaxed at the side (P1), 90 degrees of abduction (P2), 90 degrees of scaption without having a weight in hands (P3), 90 degrees of scaption with having 3 different weights (1, 2, and 4 kg) in hands (P4, P5, and P6, resp.), and 180 degrees of scaption without having a weight in hands (P7). Results. In P1 and P6, the ICC scores indicated the highest level of intrarater reliability. In P2, the ICC scores showed a fair level of intrarater reliability, as the minimum reliability. The maximum and minimum interrater reliability were P1 and P4, respectively. Conclusion. Scaption with loading, as a functional position in the overhead athletes, is a reliable positioning and may be replaced with the third position of the traditional LSST

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