Vehicle Speed Control Equipped with Special Combinations, Brake System and Safe Distance Measurements


Abstract: -It is a system that aims to control vehicle"s speed in accordance with the street and road speed limit. The system finds out the whereabouts of the vehicle then it identifies the allowed speed for that particular place. After this, it starts decreasing the speed gradually until it reaches the desirable limit. When the vehicle runs, The GPS finds the location of the vehicle then it sends the longitude and the latitude to the control unit to identify the speed limit of the street. If it has been found that the vehicle"s speed exceeds the limit, a signal will be sent to the brake system to reduce the speed until it drops to the limits. One of the most important characteristics of the system that it senses the distances between two vehicles by (Ultrasonic sensor) allowing a certain distance between them which is in correspondent to their speed and that results in non-occurrence of accidents and crashes. All of which is done without exceeding the speed limit of streets. If the system fails for any malfunction, a warning message containing the number of the vehicle and information about it will be sent to the traffic department as a feedback

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