A Simple Method for Removing Reflection and Distortion from a Single Image


Abstract: This paper deals with a problem of removing reflection and distortion from un-natural images. This will effected in the quality of images. Reflection happens when there is the variation in direction of a wave front at an interface between two different media so that the wave front returns into the medium from which it originated. The law of reflection describes for specular reflection the angle at which wave is reflected equals the angle at which it is incident on the surface. Mirrors exhibit specular reflection. In photograph Distortion will happens when either the properties of the lens or the position of the camera relative to the subject. Here the input contains multiple polarized images with different polarizer angles. The output consists of high quality distortion and reflection separation from images. In this paper proposed a Quality Assessment method Scheme (QAMS) for removing both reflection and distortion from images. Using this QAMS method, the quality of the image can be improved by measuring PSNR and Error Rate

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