Losses of plasmon surface waves on metallic grating


Abstract . Diffraction and absorption losses of plasmon surface waves (PSW) propagating along a metallic grating are investigated numerically as a function of groove depth . A periodicity of diffraction losses is found to exist . The energy flow distribution (EFD) above and inside the grooves is calculated and a similarity between the PSW on shallow and deep gratings is established above the grooves, while inside the grooves of deep gratings totally hidden curls in EFD are found to form . . Introduction Recently it has been discovered [1] that a close connection exists between different types of phenomena on metallic gratings : plasmon surface waves (PSW) excitation, non-Littrow perfect blazing It is well known that a pole of the scattering matrix corresponds to a solution of the homogeneous problem where nM is the complex refractive index of the substrate . For highly conducting metals Re (aP) > 1 and Im (aP) > 0, the latter corresponding to the energy absorbed in the metal as the PSW propagates along the interface . As the periodic modulation is introduced (h ;0), the PSW may be coupled to a propagating diffraction order(s) in the upper medium provided a suitable wavelength to period ratio 2/d is chosen . Radiation losses appear as a consequence of this and Im (aP) grows rather rapidly (for the results presented in figure 1 d=0. 5 µm and 2=0 . 6328 gm)

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