Fossil Fuel Deficit-Conservation Tillage and on Farm Biofuel Production to Cope With the Problem


Abstract The limited resources of fossil fuels along with the highly fluctuating prices, call for investigation to find diesel alternatives. Biofuels from vegetable oils, seems the easiest accessible substitutes as they can be used in conventional diesel engines without lot of modifications. There are though two mainstream attitudes on this approach. The one points that it is immoral to divert environmental resources from food production to energy production when the global population increases and the other claims that without mechanization and fuel to power it, food production will finally be decreased. Conservation tillage adoption may contribute in significant fuel savings by eliminating tillage operations. If they would be combined with on farm biofuel production, they would certainly require less land to be devoted for this purpose. In the present work, based on data of a long term tillage experiment, it was calculated the percentage of land that would be required to cultivate with a biofuel crop (sunflower for instance) in order to cover the fuel requirements of an arable farm, for three alternative tillage methods: conventional (CT), reduced (RT) and no-tillage (NT). The results indicated that in CT, the 11% of the land would be enough to provide the biofuel for all the field operations (except irrigation). In RT, due to lower fuel consumption, the 7.5% of the land would be sufficient. That means that a 3.6% yield reduction is justified. In NT, only the 3.5% of the land is required to produce the biofuels justifying a 7.7% yield reduction. This sets the limits of yield reduction that can be acceptable. However we have to add in this balance the environmental effects of using conservation tillage like erosion reduction, increasing soil organic matter and biodiversity maintenance

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