Retrospective Study Minimally Invasive Management of Postoperative Lithiasis of the Common Bile Duct


Rezumat Studiu retrospectiv asupra managementului miniinvaziv al litiazei postoperatorii a cãii biliare principale Introducere: Litiaza postoperatorie a cãii biliare principale (CBP) ocupã un loc însemnat în patologia bilio-pancreaticã, atât prin frecvenåa mare, cât şi prin problemele de diagnostic şi tratament pe care le ridicã. Material aei metodã: Bazându-ne pe o experienåã, care s-a desfãşurat într-o perioadã de cinci ani (2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012), evaluatã retrospectiv, totalizând 51 de pacienåi cu litiazã postoperatorie a CBP, am încercat sã formulãm câteva recomandãri în tratamentul acestei patologii. Acestea au fost ghidate de opåiunile terapeutice alternative existente şi de ideile vehiculate în literatura de specialitate, privind rezultatele înregistrate de fiecare manierã de tratament. Rezultate: Rata de clearence a CBP a fost de 93,6%, morbiditatea de 10,65% şi mortalitatea de 0%, acestea îndreptãåindu-ne sã apreciem eficienåa tratamentului miniinvaziv, ca fiind maximã în tratamentul acestei patologii. Concluzii: Tratamentul endoscopic al litiazei postoperatorii a CBP s-a dovedit a fi posibil, eficient şi credem cã este bine a se folosi de principiu, chirurgia deschisã rãmânând rezervatã doar eşecurilor sau contraindicaåiilor tratamentului miniinvaziv. Cuvinte cheie: litiazã coledocianã, ERCP, sfincterotomie endoscopicã Abstract Introduction: Postoperative common bile duct (CBD) lithiasis holdsa significant place in the bilio-pancreatic pathology, both due to its high frequency as well as to the diagnostic and treatment issues it triggers. Material and Methods: Based on a 5-year experience (2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012), assessed retrospectively, totalling 51 patients with postoperative lithiasis of CBD, we tried to elaborate on several recommendations for the treatment of this pathology. The recommendations were guided by the existing alternative therapeutic options and by the ideas in the literature regarding the results achieved by every manner of treatment. Results: The rate of clearance of the CBD was of 93.6%, themorbidity rate was of 10.65% and the mortality rate was of 0%, which entitles us to deem the effectiveness of the minimally invasive treatment as maximum in the treatment of this pathology. Conclusions: The endoscopic treatment of postoperative lithiasis of the CBD proved to be possible, efficient and we believe it good to be used as a principle; open surgery should be the solution in case of failures or of contraindications to minimally invasive treatmen

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