
Host-parasitoid relationships of Anagyrus sp. near pseudococci (Girault), (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae), as a basis to improve biological control of pest mealybugs (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae)


Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe host-parasitoid relationships of Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci were investigated, including host selection behavior, host defenses, host suitability and parasitoid functional response in relation to five mealybug species with different phylogenetic relationships and geographical origins: i) a Mediterranean native species, Planococcus ficus, with a long co-evolutionary history with the parasitoid; ii) three alien species, Planococcus citri, Pseudococcus calceolariae and Pseudococcus viburni, with a more recent co-evolutionary history; and iii) a fourth alien species, Phenacoccus peruvianus, with no previous common history with the parasitoid. The parasitoid recognized as potential hosts and complete development in all five mealybug species, but showed a clear preference for Planococcus spp. Host suitability of the studied mealybugs seems to fit a phylogenetic/biogeographic trend, showing the highest level in Pl. ficus and its closely related congener Pl. citri, followed by the Australasian Ps. calcelolariae, and the Neotropical Ps. viburni and Ph. peruvianus. The functional response of the parasitoid varied between host species, with a type II and type III responses observed for Ps. calceolariae and Pl. ficus, respectively. The results suggest that A. sp. nr. pseudococci has a broader host range and a more generalist behavior in comparison with other Anagyrus species

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