
Revestimentos comestíveis bioativos com extrato de carqueja: aplicação na conservação pós-colheita da cereja


Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe goal of the present study was the development of an edible composite bioactive coating to application in fresh cherry, with the final aim of increasing their shelf life. Using an experimental design coupled with a surface response methodology, it was selected the following base-formulation, taking into consideration the mechanical and water resistance properties of the coatings analyzed as a film: 2% chitosan (w/w) in 1% acetic acid (v/v), with 50% citric acid (w/w CH), 50% glycerol (w/w CH) and 1,5% tween80 (w/w). To this base-formulation was added 5% (w/w CH) of beeswax or refined sunflower oil and 1% of carqueja extract (w/w), obtaining four different formulations. The applied coatings with carqueja extract had positive effects on the control of weight loss (about 5%), as well as in the control of growth of molds and yeasts during a conservation essay under refrigerated conditions (T=4ºC) for a period of 28 days. These coatings maintained the firmness, color and soluble solid content of the fruits

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