Numerical Solution of the Walgraef-Aifantis Model for Simulation of Dislocation Dynamics in Materials Subjected to Cyclic Loading


Abstract. Strain localization and dislocation pattern formation are typical features of plastic deformation in metals and alloys. Glide and climb dislocation motion along with accompanying production/annihilation processes of dislocations lead to the occurrence of instabilities of initially uniform dislocation distributions. These instabilities result into the development of various types of dislocation micro-structures, such as dislocation cells, slip and kink bands, persistent slip bands, labyrinth structures, etc., depending on the externally applied loading and the intrinsic lattice constraints. The Walgraef-Aifantis (WA) (Walgraef and Aifanits, J. Appl. Phys., 58, 668, 1985) model is an example of a reaction-diffusion model of coupled nonlinear equations which describe 0 formation of forest (immobile) and gliding (mobile) dislocation densities in the presence of cyclic loading. This paper discuss two versions of the WA model, the first one comprising linear diffusion of the density of mobile dislocations and the second one, with nonlinear diffusion of said variable. Subsequently, the paper focus on a finite difference, second order in time Cranck-Nicholson semi-implicit scheme, with internal iterations at each time step and a spatial splitting using the Stabilizing, Correction (Christov and Pontes, Mathematical and Computer 0, 35, 87, 2002) for solving the model evolution equations in two dimensions. The discussion on the WA model and on the numerical scheme was already presented on a conference paper by the authors (Pontes et al., AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1301 pp. 511-519, 2010. The first results of four simulations, one with linear diffusion of the mobile dislocations and three with nonlinear diffusion are presented. Several phenomena were observed in the numerical simulations, like the increase of the fundamental wavelength of the structure, the increase of the walls height and the decrease of its thickness

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