Genomics and current genetic understanding of Erwinia amylovora and the fire blight antagonist Pantoea vagans


Abstract The bacterial plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight, a major disease threat to pome fruit production worldwide with further impact on a wide-range of Rosaceae species. Important factors contributing to the development of the disease were discovered in the last decades. Comparative genomics of the genera Erwinia and Pantoea is coming into focus with the recent availability of complete genome sequences. Insights from comparative genomics now position us to answer fundamental questions regarding the evolution of E. amylovora as a successful pathogen and the critical elements for biocontrol activity of Pantoea spp. This trove of new data promises to reveal novel determinants and to understand interactive pathways for virulence, host range and ecological fitness. The ultimate aim is now to apply genomics and identify the pathogen Achilles heels and antagonist mechanisms of action as targets for designing innovative control strategies for fire blight

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