Analysis of Linear Receivers in a Target SINR Game for Wireless Cognitive Networks


Abstract-Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) is a key parameter for every user in a wireless network. Different users with heterogeneous QoS requirements have different target SINR requirements. In cognitive radio (CR) networks, secondary users try to access the available spectrum in order to make successful transmissions. However, without proper regulation, they may transmit at their maximum power to achieve the highest possible SINR, which can be even worse than the current wasteful static spectrum utilization. A target SINR game (TSG) is a powerful tool to regulate each secondary user's behavior, provide them with decent SINRs (i.e. close to their target SINRs) and simultaneously limit the interference they cause to primary users and other secondary users. The goal of this paper is to analyze the performance of the Matched Filter (MF) receiver and the linear MMSE receiver (LMMSE) in a TSG. As expected, the LMMSE shows several advantages in performance over the MF

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