Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer on the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)


Abstract: Combination of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients is necessary for sustainable agriculture that can ensure food production with high quality. In order to study the effect of vermicompost and chemical fertilizers on the growth and yield components in rice, an experiment was carried out during December 2013 to June 2014, in randomized block design based on 3 replications. The treatments of vermicompost were given in 4 levels (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 t ha -1 ) and 4 levels of chemical fertilizers (0-0-0-0, 50-8-33-6, 100-16-66-12 and 150-24-99-18 kg N, P, K and S ha -1 , respectively). Different levels of vermicompost and NPKS fertilizers showed significant effect on growth, yield and yield contributing characters of BRRI dhan29. Results showed that application of medium level of chemical fertilizer with 4 t ha -1 vermicompost gave the maximum yield. It was observed that over dose of NPKS fertilizers from chemical source decreased rice yield. Results also revealed that the highest plant height, effective tillers hill -1 , flag leaf length, panicle length, filled grains panicle -1 , 1000-grain weight, grain yield, straw yield and biological yield were obtained from the combination of 4 t ha -1 vermicompost with 100 kg ha -1 N, 16 kg ha -1 P, 66 kg ha -1 K, 12 kg ha -1 S. It was observed that yield of rice can be increased substantially with the judicious application of organic fertilizer with chemical fertilizer

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