Enabling Responsible Living Springer A Multi-Level Framework and Values-Based Indicators to Enable Responsible Living


Abstract Efforts to enable responsible living require supporting frameworks and tools to bridge science and values at all levels from local to global. At the local level, community action is most effective in a village or neighbourhood where people will invest for the common betterment of their families and neighbours. Educational activities in and outside formal education for children, preadolescents, youth and adults should encourage action for responsible living based on the community's own values and vision of human purpose and well-being. Values-based indicators can help to measure the impact of sustainability education on behaviours in communities and organizations, as demonstrated in a recent pilot project. At the national level, in addition to formal curricular change, the media and diverse organizations of civil society from businesses to faith-based organizations can lead discussions of various dimensions of responsible living. Internationally, the debate on the future of sustainability around the Rio+20 conference has stimulated a re-examination of preconceptions and certitudes about individual and collective purposes and underlining the importance of values and ethical principles to sustainability. Linking local efforts to these international debates and implementing values-based indicators of education for sustainability will help to move from words to action for responsible living

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