4 Kuwait Chapter


Abstract Focusing is on the needs of consumers of basic essentials marketing trends. This study explored the needs of consumers and consumer behavior analysis and prioritizes the factors that affect the process of finding the market's major tasks (Moon, minor, translated by Ardestani, 2005). This study aimed to evaluate the impact of packaging of the product on consumer willingness to buy gum industry. The present study was carried out on a sample of students of Islamic Azad University of Qazvin, about 24,000 persons. Using a simple random sample of 400 questionnaires were distributed among the students finally 376 valid questionnaires were collected. Finally, the researcher concluded that the functional characteristics of the product packaging have an impact on the willingness of customers to purchase it. Keywords: Packaging, Product, Consumers' Willingness, Gum Industry Introduction: Since consumers are the focal point of all marketing activities, successful marketing begins with understanding how and why consumers behave. The study on the factors that influence consumer behavior and evaluate the impact of these factors on the behavior of acquiring knowledge and understanding of consumer behavior will be only then will marketers be able to provide a product that is more adapted to the needs and wants of consumers in other words to provide products that "meet the factors influencing consumer behavior" and provide them maximum satisfaction. These are all issues that marketers argue that if there is to know about consumer buying decision process, able to advertising messages and marketing strategies that are designed to make a good impression on the consumer. Basically, the effect is very important in understanding consumer behavior; this concept reflects the fact that consumer behavior is adaptive, meaning that consumers are matched to the situations around them. (Samadi, 2007, 117) Increasing globalization has forced organizations to review and redefinition of the things that will help them create competitive advantage. In an environment where the bombardment of ads, promotions and discounts, weekly or even daily basis is the output of the production line integration and quality products with amazing experiences, the importance of packaging issues are more revealed. Rethinking mechanisms of attention and it introduces an undeniable necessity. (Shayang 2004) Contemporaneously witnessed renewed emphasis on provide quality service and products to our customers. Since the demands and needs of our customers changed over time, providing high quality services and products and in accordance with customer demands require continuous tracking and responding to th

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