On the local meromorphic extension of CR meromorphic mappings


Since the works of Trépreau, Tumanov and Jöricke, extendability properties of CR functions on a smooth CR manifold M became fairly well understood. In a natural way, 1) M is seen to be a disjoint union of CR bricks, called CR orbits, each of which being an immersed CR submanifold of M with the same CR dimension as M Key words and phrases: CR generic currents, scarred CR manifolds, removable singularities for CR functions, deformations of analytic discs, CR meromorphic mappings. We would like to mention that these removability results were originally impulsed by Jöricke in The goal of this article is to push forward meromorphic extension on CR manifolds of arbitrary codimension, the analogs of domains being wedges over CR manifolds. It seems natural to use the theory of Trépreau-Tumanov in this context. Knowing thinness of Σ f (Sarkis) and using wedge removable singularities theorems ([15], Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Professor Henkin who raised the question. We also wish to address special thanks to Frederic Sarkis. He has communicated to us the reduction of meromorphic extension of CR meromorphic mappings to a removable singularity property and we had several interesting conversations with him

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