Loss Computation of Multilayer Coplanar Waveguide using Single Layer Reduction Method


Abstract In this paper, the quasi-static spectral domain approach (SDA) and single layer reduction (SLR) method applicable for mult ilayer coplanar waveguide (CPW) on isotropic dielectric substrate that incorporates two layer model of conductor thickness is used to compute the impedance, effective d ielectric constant, dielectric loss and conductor loss. The transverse transmission line (TTL) technique is used to find the Green's function for the mult ilayer CPW in Fourier domain. Dielectric loss of mult ilayer coplanar waveguide is co mputed by converting multilayer CPW structure into equivalent single layer CPW using SLR method. Perturbation method is used to compute the conductor loss. The effect of finite conductor thickness is analysed on the impedance, effective dielectric constant, dielectric loss and conductor loss. The present formulation also accounts for low frequency dispersion in computation of quasi-static effective dielectric constant and characteristic impedance

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