Finding the Shortest Path in Dynamic Network using Labeling Algorithm


Abstract This study concerns the problem of finding shortest paths from one node to all other nodes in networks for which arc costs can vary with time, each arc has a transit time and parking with a corresponding time-varying cost is allowed at the nodes. it show that this problem is equivalent to a classical shortest path problem in a timeexpanded network. The label correcting algorithm is used for finding shortest paths. Keywords: Dynamic shortest paths, time-expanded network, label correcting algorithm. Introduction In congested transportation networks, arc travel times change over time due to time-of-day variations in traffic congestion. Even if one can account for these time-of-day variations, future travel times can at best be known a priori with uncertainty due to unforeseen events, such as poor roadway conditions, vehicle breakdowns, traffic accidents, and driver behavior. In this work, we develop path search techniques that explicitly consider the inherent time-varying nature of future travel times. Recent studies have focused on time-dependent graphs Review of the shortest path proble

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