Reconcentration of Aqueous Solutions in a Packed Bed: A Simple Approach


Introduction In recent years attempts have been made to use packed beds in open-cycle liquid desiccant cooling systems for the dehumidification process and/or for regenerating weak aqueous solutions. The possibility of reconcentrating the aqueous solution in a packed bed by means of solar-heated air was investigated by Leboeuf and Lof [1] and Factor and Grossman [2]. The schematic of the reconcentration process is shown in A step-wise heat and mass balance across the bed is used to determine the performance of the reconcentration process. However, due to the abundance of variables involved with the packed bed, the analysis becomes increasingly complex. To reduce the high computational cost, an air moisture removal effectiveness for the dehumidification process was defined (see reference In this paper dimensionless vapor pressure and temperature difference ratios suitable for application in the reconcentration of aqueous solutions are defined. Further, a closed-form analytical solution is obtained to predict the mass of water evaporated from the weak absorbent solution, through a simplified vapor pressure correlation and the dimensionless vapor pressure and temperature difference ratios

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