Nonlinear Dynamics of Bubbles with Surfactanti


Abstract: Hugh Hynn pioneered many aspects of cavitation phenomena. He even got a patent on the idea that large bubble collapse could be used for inertially induced thermonuclear fusion. Some researchers currently working in the area of sonoluminescence are asking the same questions. One of the key requirements for confining the energy in the collapse of a bubble is maintaining spheric~symmetry. Instabilities, such as Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz, can compromise this requirement. Therefore, it is useful to examine the role of surfactants in conferring stability on the collapse of bubbles. Codes that have recently permitted the description of the superoscillations of liquid drops with surfactants in air (1) can be applied to the case of a bubble in a liquid. The opportunities and methodologies of the numerical method are described. BACKGROUN

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