Metrics Used In Component Based Software Engineering


Abstract-Component Based Software Engineering is a big concern in Industry. CBSE is a process that follows the principle of design and construction of computer based systems using reusable software components. A component is an independent and replaceable part of a system that performs a clear function in the context of a well defined architecture. It results in better productivity, improved quality, reduction in time spent and cost to develop. Software metrics determine the different aspects of software complexity and therefore play an important role in analyzing and improving the quality of software. These metrics play an important role in guiding the software development and deployment models. Metrics used in component based software engineering are helpful in achieving the quality and managing risk in component based system by checking the factors that affect risk and quality. Metrics are helpful in case of the business systems for retrieving large amount of data. Metrics help the developer in identifying the probable risks so that proper corrective action can be taken. Metrics should be defined in a formal manner because natural language creates problem. Various metrics has been proposed to measure the different attributes of a component like functionality, interactivity, complexity, reusability etc. Keywords-component based software engineering (CBSE), Software metrics in CBSE

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