Suatu percobaan telah dilakukan untuk menguji manfaat penambahan enzim-Avizyme 1500® (Danisco Animal Nutrition, Marlborough, UK) terhadap performan ayam petelur selama periode satu tahun produksi. Ransum kontrol disusun dengan bahan utama terdiri dari jagung dan bungkil kedelai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gizi ayam petelur strain ISA Brown. Dua perlakuan yang diuji adalah ransum kontrol (C) dan ransum yang diberi enzim (C + 1000 g Avizyme/ton ransum. Setiap jenis ransum diberikan pada 80 ekor ayam petelur (20 ulangan dan 4 ekor/ulangan) mulai umur 20 hingga 72 minggu. Selama percobaan tersebut dilakukan pengamatan terhadap performan ayam petelur (konsumsi pakan, produksi telur, bobot telur, total berat produksi telur atau egg mass, konfersi pakan atau FCR, mortalitas, perubahan bobot badan dan kualitas telur). Perbedaan perlakuan dianalisis dengan menggunakan t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan Avizyme 1500 kedalam pakan dapat menurunkan konsumsi pakan 4% (P < 0,01), mengurangi mortalitas dari 15% menjadi 3,75% (P < 0.01) serta memperbaiki efisiensi penggunaan pakan (FCR) sebanyak 3% (P < 0,05). Mortalitas yang tinggi pada ayam kontrol (15%) terjadi karena adanya infeksi E.coli, sesuai uji post-mortem yang dilakukan. Akan tetapi, produksi telur (HD and HH), bobot telur dan massa telur tidak nyata dipengaruhi oleh penambahan Avizyme didalam pakan. Kualitas telur (HU, indeks kuning telur, bobot kuning telur dan tebal kerabang tidak nyata dipengaruhi oleh penambahan Avizyme dalam ransum. Oleh karena itu disimpulkan bahwa penambahan 1000 g Avizyme /ton ransum dapat memperbaiki efisiensi penggunaan pakan (FCR) sebagai akibat penurunan konsumsi pakan, tanpa merubah produktifitasnya. A trial was conducted in order to study the effect of the supplementation of Avizyme 1500® (Danisco Animal Nutrition, Marlborough, UK) on the performance of laying hens for one year. A control diet based on corn -soybean meal was formulated to meet nutrient requirement of ISA Brown laying hens. Two treatments, the control diet (C) and C + 1000 g Avizyme/tonne diet were tested. Each diet was fed to 80 birds (20 replicates of 4 birds) from 20 to 72 weeks of age, and performances of birds (feed intake, egg production, egg size, egg mass, feed conversion ratio, and egg quality) were measured. All data were subject to analyses of variance following the t-test. Results showed that the addition of Avizyme 1500 to the feed reduced feed intake by 4% (P < 0.01), mortality by 75 % or from 15% to 3.75% (P < 0.01) and improved the feed conversion ratio by 3 % (P < 0.05). The high mortality of the control treatment (15%) is explained by an E.coli infection that was observed following the postmortem examination of dead birds. The egg production (HD and HH), egg size and egg mass however were not significantly affected by the Avizyme supplementation. Egg quality (HU, yolk colour score, yolk weight and shell thickness) was not significantly affected by Avizyme supplementation. It can be concluded that the supplementation of 1000 g Avizyme /tonne of diet improved feed efficiency and this was mediated via a reduction in feed intake