Short-chain ubiquitination is associated with the degradation rate of a cell-surface-resident bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11). MOL #49288 2


was enhanced by BSEP mutations, E297G and D482G. Moreover, biotin-labeling studies using MDCK II cells demonstrated that the degradation of cell-surface-resident chimeric protein fusing ubiquitin to BSEP was faster than that of BSEP itself. In conclusion, BSEP/Bsep is modified with two to three ubiquitins, and its ubiquitination is modulated by 4PBA treatment and PFIC2-type mutations. Modulation of short-chain ubiquitination can regulate the change in the degradation rate of cell-surface-resident BSEP by 4PBA treatment and PFIC2-type mutations

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