Reducing the isolation: A malaysian family in need


ABSTRACT Introduction: Many challenges are faced in the optimum management of a family caring for children with developmental disorders (FCCDD). Case Report: This case report highlights an isolated Malaysian family as victims of discrimination against special children, illustrates the factors and challenges that are associated with it. We report our experience, as part of a multiprofessional team in managing an isolated FCCDD. Our role of service providers, became that of the sole lifeline the family depended upon. We helped the family return from the brink of death; they helped us understand that no family should be an island and every family has a right to optimum care. Conclusion: Isolation that occurs in FCCDD is real and can be influenced by multiple factors such as low education and income. To help an FCCDD is to help Malaysian society overcome its prejudices. Getting FCCDD to participate in decisions regarding treatment and in other biopsychosocial needs is crucial i

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