Study Lung Tool: A Way to Understand HRTC Lung Parenchyma


Abstract-The purpose of the described system is to aid radiologists on their daily routine in the task of analyzing HRCT lung images and to contribute to a more accurate and fast diagnosis. We developed a framework -Study Lung Toolwith the objective of gather information from radiologists, in a systematic way. Using Study Lung Tool framework, the radiologist analyzes HRCT scans, outlines regions of typical pattern and characterizes the patterns. A database of typical patterns associated with common pulmonary diseases was created. The information gathered can be a valuable teaching tool to every one that intends to understand HRCT lung parenchyma. The proposed system discriminates between normal and abnormal patterns of lung parenchyma based on statistical texture analysis extracted from HRCT lung scans. An overall accuracy of 89,2%, a sensitivity of 92,7% and a specificity of 83,6% were achieved

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