The electrical resistivities of hydrogen-doped (Zr 80 3d 20 ) 1-x H x (3d = Ni, Co; x ≤ 0.11) metallic glasses have been measured at temperatures between 2 K and 110 K and in magnetic fields up to 1 T for various dopant concentrations. These systems have a high room-temperature resistivity (ρ > 160 µΩ cm) and become superconducting below 4 K. The increase of the room-temperature resistivity and its temperature coefficient with hydrogen dopant concentration is explained as due to an increase of disorder with hydrogen-doping. The temperature and magnetic field dependence of the resistivity has been analysed using theoretical models of weak-localisation and electron-electron interaction in disordered conductors. The hydrogen dopant is found to reduce the effective electron diffusion constant, D, the spin-orbit scattering rate, 1 so , τ − the superconducting transition temperature, T c , and broadens the superconducting transition region. The contribution of the Maki-Thompson interaction to the magnetoresistivity is also reduced