
ABSTRACT This paper summarizes the findings of New Zealand-based research carried out during 2008 on overcoming the barriers to transport fleets adopting fuel saving measures. This research included: a review of overseas best practice; a fuel efficiency trial involving car, bus and truck fleets; surveys of industry awareness and an analysis of the barriers to adopting fuel saving measures. The trial confirmed overseas experience that has found that fuel savings of 10% or more are achievable through improved fleet management systems, driver training, vehicle maintenance, and other well established practices. However, most fleets do not have the skills or knowledge required to realise these savings resulting in a low level of uptake. Saving fuel is a win-win opportunity for transport fleets. Saving fuel: reduces transport costs, which increases fleet profitability, improves productivity and benefits the economy through lower overseas expenditure in a way that does not affect NZ jobs, benefits the environment through less CO 2 and other emissions improves road safety because of the synergies between fuel efficiency and road safety measures (reducing speed, anticipating the situation ahead, improving vehicle maintenance etc). has very little effect on travel tim

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