Influence of spraying with gibberellic acid on behavior of Anna Apple trees


Abstract: This investigation wasconducted during two successiveseasons 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 on seven years old Anna apple trees budded on (MM. 106) rootstock and irrigated via drip system. Trees were sprayed with 250 ppm of gibberellic acid (GA 3 ) once at early May (6 weeks after full bloom) or twice at the previous date and at late July (l6 weeks after full bloom). The results indicated that gibberellic acid (GA 3 ) treatments significantlyincreased the vegetative growth parameters i.e., number of newgrowing shoot tips, shoot diameter, number of leaves developed on current shoots, total area of leaves developed on new current shoots per tree and leaf dry weight compared with the untreated trees. Although, the earlier application of GA 3 delayed bud break, gibberellic acid treatment at both times of application increased the percentage of lateral bud break of the next spring compared with the control trees. Gibberellic acid treatments had no effect on the flowering density atthe next spring of the applications. However, the percentages of both fruiting spursand fruiting lateral developed on one year old shoots of the next spring after the treatments were reduced. In general, the percentages of both initial and final fruit set at the next spring of GA 3 applications were significantly reduced for both spur bud inflorescences and mixed floral lateral buds developed on one year old shoots. Carbohydrates reserves of woody spurs were reduced for earlier application of GA 3

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