Adopção de protecção integrada em tabaco armazenado em Portugal


Lasioderma serricorne (F.) and Ephestia elutella (Hb.) are the most serious pests of stored tobacco. Mainly are the larvae that feed on the product, may contaminate it with their excreta and cause damage on tobacco and allergic responses. The present work evaluated cigarette beetles and tobacco moths’ populations from the tobacco fields to the processing factories in Portugal using pheromone traps. Density, dispersion, risk assessment and the efficacy of making decisions based on economic thresholds were evaluated. For L. serricorne, the efficacy of mass-trapping using pheromone traps was studied. Sequential sampling for risk assessment was developed for processed tobacco and in a cigarette factory. These studies pretended to contribute for the integrated pest management of stored tobacco and also for the stored products in general, as the methodologies applied, with some adaptations, can be used for other pests and stored products

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