
The concept of performance Performance can be defined as "a state of competitiveness of the organization, reached through a level of efficiency and productivity which ensures a sustainable market presence" 658 . In our opinion performance needs both effectiveness and productivity simultaneous. Hence we conclude that a performing organization is efficient, competitive and productive. P. Druker considered that to be effective means "to do planned things well"; by efficiency he meant "the extent to which objectives were achieved ˝. T. Katarbinski defined effectiveness as precision in achieving targets. He suggested that efficiency is the action by which an organization achieves its goals in terms of minimal cost. Both management specialists come to reinforce the above statements on the concept of performance. The purpose of the paper is to find indicators and instruments that reflect as closely as possible the subtleties of how an organization is functioning. We started with the following questions. What indicators reflect best organizational performance? Profit level? Different rates of efficiency? Achieve planned results? The answer must take into account the multiplicity and diversity of factors that influence both individual and organizational behaviors. Performance measurement represents results quantification of activities undertaken within an organization over a period of time. For performance measurement we started from a series of questions: Is there a link between objectives, performance measurements and organization results? Are performance metrics relevant? To answer these questions we identified a series of modern management methods for measuring and assessing organizational performance. 658 M. Boulescu, M. GhiĠă, V. Mareú, ˝Auditul performanĠei˝, ed. Tribuna Economică, Bucureúti, pg. 13, 2002

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