User Rofde Identification in Future Mobile Telecommunications Systems


Nevertheless, researchers are working for the specification of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), which will be a third-generation system for mobile telecommunications. The UMTS [3] will provide a wide range of telecommunication services to a very large number of Mobile Users (MUS). Services highly comparable to those offered by fixed networks will be available via various Mobile Terminals (MTs). The UMTS will be a multi-operator system and will consist of a range of sub-networks, providing userswith access to different environments, according to the entitlement of the subscriptionswith which they are associated. As a user moves between sub-networks during a call, handover functions from one environment to another may take place [4]. Each of these environments has different technical and economic constraints and will require different solutions. In addition, the UMTS radio access point must be able to connect to or cooperate with fixed networks and be capable of operating as a stand-alone network for operation in non-B-ISDN environments, although itsintegrationwithB-ISDNisanobjectivefor UMTS. Other critical aspects of UMTS are the techniques used to store and manipulate the large amount of information involved, and the intelligence needed in order to control calls and cope with user and terminal mobility. In order to make use of a service, a UMTS user will be able to register on an MT for this particular service [5]. Since user registrations will be performed on a per service basis, a user may be registered on more than one MT for different services. Moreover, some types of UMTS terminals will support multiple user registrations,' but only one of the registered users will be allowed to make use of the terminal at a time. The UMTS will also support Universal Personal Telecommunications (UPT), which means that UPT users will be able to register onto (one or more) UMTS terminals in order to make and accept calls. The ability of a user to roam into the various UMTS environments and make use of the resources and services via different terminals will be checked every time this user enters an environment and/or uses resources and services. This means that an information entity must exist for every user so as to be retrieved every time such achecking is required. This user-related information entity is called the UMTS User Profile (UUP). The UUP is stored in the UMTS Distributed Data Base (UMTS DDB) and can be accessed from every point in the network.2 Management operations on a particular user profile can b e performed only by authorized UMTS operators and possibly by the subscriber concemedorbyauser authorizedbythissubscriber. A U U P includes user authentication information, service access information, access domain information, user charging and accounting information, etc. This article discusses the UMTS user profile identification issues. The authors introduce first the concept of user profile and the UMTS entities related to it. Then, the user profile is described and its management requirements are discussed followed by the description of two scenarios proposed for the user profile identification. Finally, the authors give a comparison of the two scenarios and their concluding remarks. The study of the impact of the proposed scenarios upon UMTS operators, subscribers, users, and mobile terminals is beyond the authors' intent for the scope of this article. Entities Related to the UMTS User Profile efore introducing the UMTS User Profile, we B attempt to identify a number of UMTS entities related to this concept

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