Voluntary Corporate Governance Disclosures in the Annual Reports


Abstract Co rporate governance (CG) disclosure is a fundamental theme of the modern corporate regulatory system, which enco mpasses providing "governance" information by a corporation to the public in a var iety of ways. The purpose of this research is to examine the CG d isclosure practices of Indian corporations at a time prior to when mandatory requirements for disclosure were introduced. Hence, this study explores the voluntary CG practices of 50 corporations, over and above the mandatory requirements of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement. In order to study the CG disclosure practices, we have prepared a CG Disclosure Index. We have primarily used secondary sources of informat ion, both fro m the Report on CG and the Annual Reports for the financial year 2003-04 and 2004-05. As a part of this study, a total of 40 items have been selected fro m the CG section of the annual report for the period of study. In order to provide a co mparison across the industries, a sample o f 50 corporations have been taken fro m four industries, viz., software, text iles, sugar and paper. Appropriate statistical tools and techniques have been applied for the analysis of the results. It has been observed that corporations are following less than 50 percent of the items of CG Disclosure Index. Moreover, there is no significant difference among the disclosure scores across the four industries

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