
ABSTRACT Six indigenous medicinal plants have been selected for the physico-chemical studies. These plants belong to Graminaceae, cucubitaceae, cruciferae and Moringaceae families. Colour, taste, pH, density, viscosity, refractive index, specific gravity and optical rotation have been studied in hot water extract of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) stapf where moisture, ash content, acid insoluble matter, fiber content, oil content. Iodine value and Invert sugar studies have been carried out in ethanolic extracts of Citrullus vullgaris, Cucumis melo, Moringa oleifera, Raphanus sativus and Zea mays. Refractive index, specific gravity, saponification value, Iodine value, unsaponiflcable matter and Acid value, colour in lovibond cell have been studied in Raphanus seeds oil

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