
ABSTRACT Thermal storage systems are central elements of various types of power plants operated from renewable and conventional energy sources. Where gaseous heat transfer media are used, a regenerator-type heat storage based on a packed bed inventory is a particularly cost-effective solution. However, suitable design tools that cover the thermo-mechanical aspects of such a design are still missing today. As a basis for such a tool, this contribution presents a novel approach to investigate the thermo-mechanical behaviour of such a storage under thermocyclic operation. The relevant relations are formulated on the basis of the discrete element method (DEM). Results of simulation runs determine the temporal and spatial displacements and acting forces for the individual bodies. Coupling the equations to a simplified thermal model allows to investigate the thermo-mechanical behaviour. Initial results for a thermocyclic operation using simplified assumptions are presented. BACKGROUND Thermal energy storages for the high temperature range are central components for power plants driven from renewable energy: Heat storage allows solar thermal power plants to continuously operate beyond sunshine duration. In fossil CHP power plants they increase the operational flexibility and thus improve the revenue situation. Industrial waste heat use and electricity storage based on Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storages (ACAES) are further examples. An increasing interest in these technologies calls for large-scale storage solutions in a temperature range between 500-1000°C with storage capacities up to 3GWh for discharge durations between 4 and 12h. In many applications the heat is transferred by gaseous heat transfer media, such as air or flue gas. Here, a direct contact between the heat transfer fluid and storage inventory is a particularly cost-effective design solution. Installations of these socalled regenerator-type heat storages have been used in the steel and glass industry for many decades. The storage inventory is stacked from ceramic bricks. To reach the cost targets for power plant applications, regenerators based on a packed bed inventory are a promising option. They offer a large specific heat transfer area and high heat transfer rates, as well as the potential to reduced investment costs, especially for natural stones as an inventory material

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