Three-dimensional spatial variations of suspended sediment concentration over vortex ripples


Abstract A three-dimensional mixture theory model (SedMix3D) was used to simulate the flow and sediment transport over vortex ripples for scaled laboratory conditions. SedMix3D treats the fluid-sediment mixture as a continuum of varying density and viscosity with the concentration of sediment and velocity of the mixture calculated using a sediment flux equation coupled to the Navier-Stokes equations for the mixture. Mixture theory allows the model to simulate the three-dimensional flow and sediment concentration within and above an evolving sediment bed. Grid spacing was on the order of a sediment grain diameter and time steps were O(10 -5 s). The simulation was forced with a time series of free-stream velocity measured in a free-surface laboratory flume. Spatial variations in the simulated suspended sediment concentration were primarily associated with the non-uniform generation of vortex structures over the ripple flanks. The suspended sediment was initially picked up in regions of high vorticity, and then caused a damping of the vorticity while being advected through the water column

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