Opposite field septum magnet system for the separation of charged particle beams


Abstract-The Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) accelerator complex comprises a 50-GeV main synchrotron, a 3-GeV rapid-cycling synchrotron, and a 400-MeV linac. The accelerators provide high-intensity, high-energy proton beams for various scientific fields. These high-intensity, high-energy accelerators, especially the 50-GeV main synchrotron, impose tight demands on the injection/extraction septum magnets for a thin structure, large aperture and high operating field. But to manufacture high field septum magnets on the condition of a large aperture is very difficult because of its extraordinarily strong electromagnetic force due to the self-field. To cope with these tight demands, new design concepts of septa are required. An opposite-field septum magnet system is one of the solutions to realize a thin septa or very high-field septum magnets

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