Comparative Study between Conventional PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller for a Current Controlled D.C. Drive Using MATLAB/Simulink


ABSTRACT: This paper describes a closed loop model of a current controlled PMDC motor drive with two controller FUZZY & PID separately, then comparison of the effect on output parameters for this two different controller is established. The differences between the output speed of PMDC motor & a preset reference speed is fed as an error signal to the controller of the system. The output of the speed controller (actuating signal) controls the duty cycle of converter and hence controls the converter output. Through this controlled converter output, required voltage gets injected into the motor. A small change in the injected voltage can cause a large change in the motor current and hence leading to a particular drive control feature. In the past few years Fuzzy Logic became a very much popular choice of controller for feedback control of various industrial systems. Fuzzy logic control is much closer in spirit to human thinking and logical reasoning than conventional controller like PID or PI. Recent study shows that this type of controller (FUZZY) provides better settling time, low peak overshoot and less percent of steady state error in overall system output which leads to better stability of overall system. In this Paper, a performance analysis of the conventional PID controller and fuzzy logic controller has been done by the use of MATLAB. . Depending on the armature voltage control method simulink model of a current mode buck-type dc chopper-fed permanent-magnet (PM) dc motor drive with proportional controller in its feedback loop is realized [3][4] . But the importance of PID controllers in process industry cannot be overemphasized because although some modern controllers like FUZZY got popularity, the majority of the industrial controllers use PID or modified PID control schemes KEYWORDS

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