Macro-microscopic and qualitative enzymatic characterization of mycelial strains obtained from basidiocarps of Mycena species (Agaricales) in Chile Caracterizaci6n macro-microsc6pica y enzimatica cualitativa de cepas miceliales obtenidas de basidiocarpos


ABSTRACT A macro-microscopic and enzymatic characterization of six mycelial strains of Mycena, from pure cultures of the corresponding basidiocarps is given. The studied strains were UACHMMa-464, UACHMMc-495, UACHMMg-250, UACHMMm-302, UACHMMp-354 and UACHMMr-260. Their isolation in pure culture, their growth in the culture media PDA, MEA, CzA, and some hypha! structures are discussed. A marked presence of enzymes involved in the degradation of the ligno-cellulose complex was detected. This could be an indication of a certain specificity or specialization in the degradative processes of these fungi in nature

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