The Nature and Purpose of the Corporation -A Roundtable Discussion


(henceforth SD): What has been really interesting throughout the event -for me at least -has been the discussion of philosophy and political economy with respect to differing sites of agency. We've heard many very different accounts: some which focus upon individuals, others on classes, others on parties, others still on social movements. We've also heard a few smart-arses using the term agency ironically, between parentheses, under-erasure, and so on. What I haven't yet witnessed, however, is a serious attempt to theorise the agency of the corporation. That's what I'm shortly going to ask the panel to start doing. So, audience, from your left to your right -geometrically but perhaps also politically speaking, let me briefly introduce our three speakers. Here we've got Martin Parker who is probably going to tell us something about radical and alternative forms of organising. There we find Jeroen Veldman who will likely speak about the legalities and metaphysics of the corporate form

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