
A report of three cases of diabetic nephropathy satisfactorily treated with traditional herbal medicine


We reported that three cases of diabetic nephropathy, who had overt proteinuria, were treated satisfactorily not only for their symptoms but also renal nephropathy with traditional herbal medicine over the long term. In Case 1, the level of S-Cr had changed from 1.2 to 2.0 mg/dl over 98 months, in Case 2 from 0.9 to 1.9 mg/dl over 70 months, and in Case 3 from 1.1 to 2.9 mg/dl over 81 months, acceptably moderate increases, meaning that the progression of their renal insufficiency was controlled over the long term. At the same time, the symptoms of hotness, numbness and edema were improved. Diabetic nephropathy with overt proteinuria is known to develop into renal failure after several years. In these cases, traditional herbal medicine was considered responsible for improving their QOL and prolonging the pre-dialysis period of diabetic nephropathy. 顕性蛋白尿期にある糖尿病性腎症の患者に漢方治療を施行した。その結果,随伴する諸症状の改善のみならず長期問,腎機能低下の進行を抑制した3症例を経験したので報告した。症例lでは,98ケ月の観察でS-Cr値はl.2から2.0mg/dl,症例2では70ケ月の観察で,S-Cr値は0.9から1.9mg/dl,症例3では81ケ月の観察で,S-Cr値は1.1から2.9mg/dl,と長期間腎機能低下の進行を抑制した。同時に,手足の火照りやしぴれ感,下肢の浮腫などの症状の軽快も認めた。持続的に蛋白尿を認める顕牲腎症期に至った糖尿病性腎症は数年の経過で,末期腎不全から血液透析に至ると言われている。今回の症例から和漢薬は,糖尿病性腎症における腎機能障害に対して腎機能障害の進行抑制作用を有する可能性が示唆された。このことから,和漢薬は糖尿病に随伴する諸症状を緩和し,QOLを改善するのみでなく,血液透析導人までの期間を延長し,予後を改善したと考えられた

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