


With recent increase in the employment rate of women, the numbers of women working after marriage and having babies are increasing. For management of their work and family life, the husband\u27s cooperation is indispensable. Studies on fathers have been recently increasing, but they are still are insufficient compared to those on mothers. In this study, we investigated the involvement of couples and their task share in childcare and housework using questionnaires of 135 couples whose children were cared for in 3 nurseries in Toyama Prefecture, and analyzed differences in recognition between fathers and mothers. Of the women in their 30s who cared for their children, the traditional concept of GENDER (husband dominance, man- dominance, work for men and housework for women) was considered to be wrong m 31.9% partially right in 59.3% largely right in 7.4%, and right in 1.5%. Their working types were part-time jobs (26.2%), self-employment (11.1%), and full-time jobs (62.2%). After day nurseries, some women asked their mother-in-law or own mother to care for their children, and a small number of mother utilized prolonged care in the nurseries. Husbands were found to be more involved in playing and chatting with children, cuddling, sending the children to the nurseries and collecting, and shopping than in order childcare and household work, but none of them reached the levels that their wives expected.近年, 女性の就業承が高まり, 結婚・出産後も継続して働く,人,が増えている.そのような中で女性が仕事と家庭をうまく両立させていくためには, 夫の協力が不可欠である.最近, 父親研究が脚光を浴びはじめたものの, 母親研究ほど十分には行なわれていない.本研究は, 富山県内3ヶ所の保育施設に子どもを預けている135組の夫婦の日常から両者の育児・家事への関わりと分担の実像を探り, それに対する両者間の認識について調査し, 分析したものである.その結果, 現在子育て中の30代の女性は, 『ジェンダー』(伝統的性別認識による夫中心, 男性上位, 男は仕事・女は家庭)に対する考え方について, 「全然思わない」と答えた人が31.9%, 「いくらかそう思う」人が59.3%, 「かなりそうだと思う」人が7.4%, 「全くそうだと思う」1.5%であった.母親の就業形態は, パート勤務が26.2%, 自営業が11.1%, フルタイム勤務の人が62.2%あり, この人たちは, 保育所終了後は夫の母や実家の母に子どもを見てもらっており, 少数だが延長保育を利用している人もあった.夫の育児・家事に関わる行動では, 子どもの遊びの相手や話し相手, 抱っこ, 保育園の送り迎えと買い物に比較的多く関わりが見られたものの, 妻の期待するレベルまでにはどの項目も到達していない状況にあることが分かった

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