
Pharmacokinetic study of Paeoniflorin Paeonimetabolin-I and Glycyrrhetic acid in humans after oral administration of Paeony Root, Glycyrrhiza and Shakuyaku-kanzo-to (Shao-Yao-Gan-Cao-Tang)


The pharmacokinetics of Paeoniflorin (PF) , Paeonimetabolin-I (PM-I) and Glycyrrhetic acid (GA) after oral administration of the decoction of Paeony Root (PR) and Glycyrrhiza (GR) and Shakuyaku-kanzo-to (Shao-Yao-Gan-Cao-Tang ; SK) were studied using human subjects. Concerning the intra- and inter-individual variability of PF and PM-I after oral administration of SK, each inter-individual coefficient of variation (CV) of the pharmacokinetic parameters was larger than its intra-individual CV. There was no significant correlation between each pharmacokinetic parameter and each subject\u27s physiques. These results suggested that a large inter-individual variability were not caused by differences in the subjects\u27 physiques. Regarding a comparison of the pharmacokinetic parameters, AUC and Cmax of PF of PR were significantly higher than those of SK, and MRT and Tmax of PM-I of SK were significantly longer than those of PR. AUC of GA of SK was significantly higher than those of GR. There is the possibility that PR would be better than SK when a stronger efficacy of PR is expected in a short time, and SK would be beter than PR when a longer efficacy of PR or a stronger efficacy of GR is expected. ヒト健常人において芍薬・甘草・芍薬甘草湯経口投与時のペオニフロリン(PF),ペオニメタボリン-I(PM-I),グリチルレチン酸(GA)の葉物動態の研究を施行した。芍薬甘草湯投与後のPF,PMIの個体内・個体間変動については,各々の個体問変動係数が個体内変動係数よりも大きく,また,全ての薬物動態の各パラメータと被験者の体格との間には相関はみられなかった。芍薬・甘草と芍薬甘草湯との比較では,芍薬のPFのAUC,Cmaxが芍薬甘草湯のものに比較して有意に高値を示し,芍薬甘草湯のPM-IのMRT,Tmaxが芍薬に比較して有意に長かった。また,芍薬甘草湯のGAのAUCは甘革単独投与のものに比較して有意に高値を示した。このことから,短時間に芍薬のより強い効果を期待する際には芍薬単独で用い,芍薬成分のより長い効果や甘草成分のより強い効果を期待する際には芍薬甘草湯として投与する方がよい可能性がある

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