On the river\u27s edge: prehistoric occupations on the Heritage Place Tract, Chattanooga, Tennessee.


The history of human habitation In the Tennessee River Valley is characterized by a tremendous temporal span and by a remarkable variety. Archaeologists and historians have established a more or less continuous occupation in this area over several millenia. This continuity Is not by chance; several environmental factors have made the valley attractive to both prehistoric end historic occupants. However, a common thread that links the diverse populations and cultural traditlons together, from the hunting end gathering adaptations of six to seven thousands yeers ago, to the industrial adaptations of today, Is the Tennessee River. Although Its importance to the modern occupants of the valley may have waned in recent years, there has been a renewal of interest that promises to result, once agaIn, in a river orientation of sustained human habitation and use. One manifestation of the emerging river focus is the development of housing projects directly adjacent to the river. An ambitious development proposed by the Stone Fort Land Company of Chattanooga Is currently underway on the north bank of the Tennessee River which will transform 93 acres of farm land Into a large condominium complex. Known as Heritage PIace, this privately-financed project should considerably enhance the area\u27s economic development as well as contributing to the revitalization of downtown Chattanooga. But, as this report documents, there are also unanticipated costs associated with this development. These costs cannot be measured In a monetary sense, because they consist of prehistoric remains present in the archaeological record at Heritage PIace. Nevertheless, these costs are real, and they directly concern all of us who live and work in the Chattanooga community. It is hoped that, at the very least, this report will stimulate consideration and discussion of the costs as well as the benefits of future developments along the river\u27s edge.https://scholar.utc.edu/archaeology-reports/1086/thumbnail.jp

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