Prehistoric and historic cultural resources in the Chattanooga area and an assessment of four prospective sites for the proposed River Port at Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee


In July, 1981, personnel of the Jeffrey L. Brown Institute of Archaeology, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, conducted a preliminary assessment of four prospective sites under consideration for the construction of a river port facility at the city of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, in accordance with an agreement between the Institute and the firm of Sverdrup and Parcel and Associates, Inc. The study was based on a review of available archival, documentary, and published data relevant to the Chattanooga area. This study revealed that all four prospective sites are known to contain cultural remains, but the overall significance of these remains could not be determined at the documentary level of research. Furthermore, it is highly probable that each of the sites contain additional cultural resources not presently recorded, including deeply buried prehistoric material. Additional archaeological research will therefore be necessary for any of the prospective sites that will be subjected to development or other land-altering activities. In order to determine the nature and extent of the cultural resources present at each of the sites slated for development, we make the following recommendations: 1. a thorough surface rennaissance of the site area; 2. subsurface testing in the form of small hand-excavated units in all areas of low surface visibility and additionally as deemed necessary; 3. extensive mechanical testing for deeply buried components; 4. determination of National Register eligibility based on the results of the testing program outlined above.

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